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Announcing Resolute IV

Announcing Resolute IV

January 16, 2019
Mike Hirshland

We are thrilled to announce the closing of Resolute IV, a $75 million fund with the same focus as our first three funds: to be lead investors who provide “first check” capital to extraordinary founders at the very outset of their journey, and to provide them with a highly supportive network of peers who can help along the way. We often say that our pride and joy is our collection of founders who are not only building great businesses, but are actively committed to helping other Resolute Founders succeed. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with our family of Resolute Founders, and to the spirit of shared success they enthusiastically embrace.But the closing of a new fund is also an apt time to thank the folks who allow us to have this opportunity in the first place -- our limited partners. Seed investing is a notoriously difficult, risky and opaque business which is not for the faint of heart. And so we are incredibly grateful that some of the industry’s best LPs have made the decision to back Resolute. Our returning “anchor” LPs include Foundry Next, Hillman and Company, Vintage Partners and Top Tier Capital, and joining them for the first time in Resolute IV are Adams Street Partners and Baylor University. To these LPs we extend our genuine appreciation for having faith in us. May we all have many happy returns!Mike, Raanan and Caroline

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