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Resolute Team Sailing

Resolute Team Sailing

October 18, 2017
Raanan Bar-Cohen

Yesterday, the Resolute Ventures Family sailed the San Francisco Bay in one of the America’s Cup racing boats! The boat was the USA 76, originally used by the Oracle Racing Team in 2003, at the America’s Cup in Auckland New Zealand. Not only did we learn how to read the currents and winds, we were in charge of choosing our path across the bay, communicating with one another our plan of attack, and we, as a team, physically sailed the USA 76 from Alcatraz, under the Golden Gate Bridge and back. I also cannot forget to mention that the Resolute Ventures squad now has the leading time!I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and working with 17 of the SF Resolute Founders! Learning something new and challenging together was exciting and fun. I’m impressed with the brave group that we had on board and I look forward to adventuring, building, growing and sailing with all of you Resolute Founders!Check out some of the footage here!

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