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The Sign of a Good Company

The Sign of a Good Company

August 19, 2012
Mike Hirshland

Ben Horowitz had a characteristically great post last week, on GigaOm, called "A Good Place to Work."Lots of wisdom in there for entrepreneurs and operators, both as to why you should make your company a good place to work, and how.But, as an incurable people-collector, something else stuck with me. In describing how Bill Campbell clearly built a good place to work at Go Computing, Ben refers to some of the great people who went on from Go to do great things. This, for me, is the ultimate sign of a good company -- a company whose alumni make great entrepreneurs. By this standard, Netscape and PayPal were really good companies; Yahoo not so much.Will LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, Dropbox and Square prove to be good companies? That's what I'm trying to figure out.

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